Saturday, August 11, 2012

Update #1

I'm currently trying to figure out exactly how to do these posts so bear with me at this time, everyone. I want to be able to tell you where to get the items, their prices and your total cost for the look. Also, I'm trying to figure out how to position the avatar too. I was thinking like a collage of pictures, kind of. All of this has my posts on this blog delayed so I apologize, but trust me, it's coming!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Black Lace Dress

What I'm wearing:
Dress: Crop Sleeve Black Lace Dress by Lockwood 
Shoes: Platform Heels in the color Tomato by Drey 
Hair: The Burning Desire found in Shears

Dress Price: $1.99 Shoe Price: $0.99  Hair Price: $0.99
*total: $3.97